Courier Van Insurance

Courier Van Insurance

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What is Courier Van Insurance?

Courier van insurance is a type of commercial vehicle insurance policy designed for individuals or businesses that operate vans for courier or delivery purposes. The policy is designed to cover the unique risks associated with those who spend more time on the road and provides protection for the van, the driver, and typically any goods or cargo being transported. Policies can often be known as ‘hire and reward’ or ‘carriage of goods for hire’.

Insurance for a courier van starts by offering 1 of 3 levels of insurance.

  • Third-party only is the minimum level of cover. It covers the cost of damages to third-party vehicles or property if you are involved in an accident.
  • Third-party, fire, and theft cover adds protection for your van against fire and theft, as well as third-party damages.
  • Comprehensive cover provides the most extensive protection and covers your van for damages, theft, fire, and accidents that are your fault.

In addition to these cover options, courier van insurance policies may also offer additional features, such as goods in transit cover to protect against damage or loss of goods carried as well as breakdown assistance, and legal expenses cover.

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Courier Van Insurance

What our Comparison Expert Says

‘Courier van insurance from the wrong provider can cost you more than it should eating into your own profits. We can connect you with specialist brokers who have experience in quoting van couriers! Compare the right policies at the right price!’

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Do I Need Van Insurance As A Courier?

If you are delivering goods either as courier or self-employed courier from a van, then insurance is a legal requirement.

You will be required to have a minimum level of third party insurance in order to use the van on the roads. This won’t extend to cover your van itself though. Due to the level of risk involved in being a courier driver, it is highly suggested you take our fully comprehensive cover.

We can help you with this process and connect you with brokers who can help you the most.

Can I Get Courier Insurance With A Driving Conviction?

Delivery drivers often pick up convictions and therefore, generally it is possible to get courier insurance with a driving conviction.  However. it can depend on the severity of the conviction and the specifics of the individual policy from the insurance providers.

Some driving convictions, such as minor speeding offences, may not have a significant impact on your ability to obtain courier insurance. Others convictions such as those for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, may make it more challenging to get a policy.

It is important to disclose any driving convictions to your insurance provider when applying for courier van insurance quotes. Failure to disclose this information could invalidate your policy or lead to a claim being rejected in the event of an accident. This can be costly for your business and even result in fines or further convictions.

Overall, whilst having a driving conviction can make it more challenging to obtain van courier insurance, it is still possible to find cover with the right research and approach.

What Is Public Liability Insurance And Do I Need It For My Courier Van?

Public liability insurance provides protection against claims made by third parties for injury or damage to their property through actions of yourself.

Although it is not a legal requirement, as couriers work in and around the public, it is highly recommended you include public liability insurance.

This added extra provides financial protection in such situations by covering the cost of legal fees and any compensation that may be awarded in the event of a successful claim. You can purchase this policy separately but most will benefit from including it as part of their courier van insurance policy.

It is important to note that public liability insurance does not cover damages to your own property or injuries to yourself or your employees. For these risks, you may need to consider other types of insurance such as employer’s liability insurance or courier fleet insurance

What Does Courier Van Insurance Cover?

Van insurance for couriers covers a range of risks and scenarios that drivers may face whilst out on the road or making deliveries.

The extent of the cover provided by an insurance policy will depend on the specific terms and conditions of the policy, as well as the level of cover chosen by the driver. Generally, courier van insurance policies can provide cover for:

It’s important to review the specific terms and conditions of your policy to understand the full extent of the cover provided.

Add Ons For Courier Insurance

Certain van insurance policies offer additional cover options for an increased premium, such as:

How Much Do Courier Van Policies Cost?

Typically it is a little more than standard van insurance due to the commercial aspect and carriage of goods in association with the van.

The average cost of your goods however is what will see your price fluctuate the most. The greater the average item value you carry, the greater your premium is likely to be.

Can I Get Cheap Courier Van Insurance?

Your ability to get cheap courier van insurance will depend heavily on your own risk profile. Everything will be considered such as your driving history, courier experience, age, location and more.

If you maintain a good driving record with no claims, your chances of getting a cheap policy increase greatly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, if you require multiple vehicle cover, we can certainly help. Simply have the details to hand and ask our advisors when you speak to them.

If you have all your details to hand and there are no surprises in the checks we carry out, you could have your policy ready the very same day! This allows you to trade instantly with no delays.

Yes, as long as you request them to be named on the policy. If they are not named, they will not be able to drive.

Typically the answer to this is No but some brokers will allow it. Ask the advisor when you speak to them.

Yes, a full and complete policy will cover the goods you carry. It is important to ask though what value you are protected up to. If you are only covered up to £10,000 worth, then you will not be able to make a £15,000 claim.

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